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Bolivia holds key to electric car future

Lithium for batteries. "High in the Andes, in a remote corner of Bolivia, lies more than half the world's reserves of a mineral that could radically reduce our reliance on dwindling fossil fuels."


Energy island to supply green power when wind drops

"A man-made island housing a hydroelectric plant and generating enough electricity to supply two million Dutch homes is planned for the North Sea by 2020. "

Category: Energy sources


Climate: Maldives seek to buy a new homeland

"The Maldives will begin to divert a portion of the country's billion-dollar annual tourist revenue into buying a new homeland - as an insurance policy against climate change that threatens to turn the 300,000 islanders into...

Category: Climate Change


Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes

"£13m shed-size reactors will be delivered by lorry... ...Nuclear power plants smaller than a garden shed and able to power 20,000 homes will be on sale within five years, say scientists at Los Alamos, the US government...

Category: Energy sources


MP3 headphones can deactivate pacemakers, study shows

"Magnetic interference from iPod headphones could pose a risk to patients with surgically implanted heart monitoring devices, according to a study involving 60 pacemaker and defibrillator patients."

Displaying results 1736 to 1740 out of 2977